Friday, April 5, 2013

 North Ogden City Employees Participate in National Emergency Preparedness Training

Ron Chandler, Shelli Smith and Debbie Gailey participated in a two week emergency preparedness training Emmittsburg, Maryland.  They were joined by local elected and appointed officials from across the Country.  The training is sponsored by FEMA's Emergency Management Institute that covers all costs associated with the training except food.

The training includes working with Local, County, State and Federal resources to respond to an emergency.  It also includes working with private companies to aid in the response.  The mornings were spent in class and the afternoon training included simulated disasters in the fictitious City "Central City USA."  During the two week training Central City was hit with three tornadoes, an oil spill, an explosion at the rocket fuel plant, a dam leak, flooding along two rivers, live grenades in the local school and a variety of vehicle accidents.

Debbie Gailey summed up the experience by saying, "When it comes down to an emergency, everybody wants to do the right thing, this training gave us the understanding of how to do the right thing."